Binary Resolution Model
Disputec LTD is an Israeli company implementing the Binary Resolution Model (BRM) in online apps and websites. The BRM process will help you to resolve any kind of conflict.
BRM is a 5 step iterative process rebuilding personal balance (Decision making) , negotiating sustainable consents (ODR), and creating autonomous communities (DAOs).
The BRM is actually a conflict atomizer. Like an “Anti-lock Braking System” (ABS) in a car, BRM brings disputes to a full safe stop by breaking it into its smallest components.
1 Agree to negotiate
2 Draft your point by yes/no questions
3 Answer others' questions yes or no
4 Explain disagreements the same way (back to stage 2)
5 End discussion when you have nothing more to explain
Any negotiation is a personal conflict resolution process of closing gaps between desires and reality by understanding and hope.
Any relationship needs to find its collective will in order to have a balanced survival. Even your relationship with yourself.
Disputec LTD is an Israeli start-up company implementing the Binary Resolution Model (BRM) in online apps and websites. The BRM process helps to solve any kind of conflict:
Decision making and conflict resolution (Self-help)
Negotiations and dispute resolution (ODR)
Building a rea-timel “Collective-Will” for communities and groups (DAOs).
BRM is actually a conflict atomizer. Like an “Anti-lock Braking System” (ABS) in a car, BRM brings disputes and conflict-stress to a full safe stop by breaking it into its smallest components in order to rebuild a personal balance, negotiate sustainable consents, and create autonomous communities.
The BRM technique is simple to explain and it always works:
First you will need to agree to negotiate for the maximum resolution.
Then you have to draft your point by short and specific yes/no questions.
Then you will have to answer others' questions only by yes or no.
In case of disagreement each side explains his point the same way as above (back to stage 2).
The end of the discussion is when you have nothing more to explain.
This is always the efficient solution for all sides.
This point is also the efficient point for outside resolutions like online arbitration.
Although it is simple to explain, if you try the BRM technique “at home”, you will realize that it is hard to execute without help. You will need Disputec online tools, to guide you through the process.
Actually, the BRM gives you the 3 things you need to resolve any dispute:
A full understanding of the real gaps, interests and solutions regarding the dispute.
The best hope for agreement in any given stage or time of the dispute.
A simple technique and online help to execute the process.
BRM is the best option for drafting WEB3’s smart contracts because it is done by the community members in retrospective and “on the fly”, creating the real-time collective will of the community, instead of plans in advance that rarely foresee the outcomes and are always affected by the principal-agent problem.
Using the BRM within communities and groups will promote DAOs - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, the future of corporate industries, based on smart contracts written by BRM and creating the future coded norms of the community.
We don't want to change the law. We want to build a new common law of communities from the ground up guided by the community’s own collective-will, as discovered by the BRM. The real law makers will have to adjust.
Disputec is able to achieve this by implementing the Yes/No language and by using the Binary Online Dispute Resolution Yes/No chat method. Through the wisdom of the crowd, Disputec suggests to its users a safe and predictable resolution to their disputes and an available gateway for the use of blockchain technology.
Using Disputec prevents conflicts from turning into disputes and maps gaps and consents, and helps negotiate disputes effectively and resolve them quickly.
Disputec is able to resolve not only bilateral disputes but also multilateral disputes using crowd wisdom and majority decisions. Any user can cement their opinion any time with others by voting. This way Disputec is used as a real time feedback and direct-democracy decision making.
Disputec Peace Machine is a communication system designed to resolve any kind of conflict, and to discover the collective will of communities and stakeholders.